
16 Feb, 2017

With some pushback, House subcommittee passes bill to allow public records requests by email

By |2017-02-16T10:41:23-06:00February 16, 2017|Categories: Legislature, requests|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

The House State Government Subcommittee passed with a voice vote on Wednesday a bill that would clarify the public records statutes to say that citizens could use email to send in their records requests if a government entity already uses email to conduct government business. The requirement would not apply if the government entity does not use email as an "official mode of communication" in recognition that some small or rural government entities may not have or use email. State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville The bill's sponsor, Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville, said the purpose of the bill (HB 58 / SB 464) is to eliminate any ambiguity in the law, and [...]

15 Feb, 2017

Interested in open government? Bills to watch in 2017 in Tennessee

By |2017-03-17T15:00:31-05:00February 15, 2017|Categories: exemptions, Legislature|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Lawmakers have filed dozens of bill this year that could affect a citizen’s ability to get information about their local and state government.  While it’s still early, here is a list of bills to watch. Economic development records HB 947 / SB 1179 - State Rep. Sam Whitson, R-Franklin / State Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald - Makes confidential county and municipal records related to economic development. Part of this bill would make confidential any county or city economic development contracts, agreements and related records until after a contract is entered into. The other part of the bill allows a county or municipality to keep any documents confidential after a contract [...]

10 Feb, 2017

Legislation would require government to accept records requests via email

By |2017-02-10T10:14:30-06:00February 10, 2017|Categories: Legislature, requests|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville, has filed a bill that would end the practice of some government entities in Tennessee refusing to accept public records requests by email. The legislation, which is being carried in the Senate by Mike Bell, R-Riceville, says that "Requests (to see public records) may be submitted by all official modes of communication, including in person, telephone, fax, email, or other electronic means." If a request for copies is required to be in writing, citizens may submit a handwritten request or send a request by email or fill out a form, but the government entity has to provide the form [...]

9 Feb, 2017

Bill to scale back confidentiality of lottery sales

By |2017-03-17T14:58:38-05:00February 9, 2017|Categories: exemptions, Legislature|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Legislation has been filed that would remove an exemption that makes the location of lottery sales secret under state law. Rep. Jon Lundberg, R-Bristol Rep. John Crawford, R-Kingsport The proposed bills (S.B. 563 / H.B. 575) by state Sen. Jon Lundberg, R-Bristol, and Rep. John Crawford, R-Kingsport, states as the reason "that transparency in the operation of the state lottery is essential to maintaining public confidence in the Tennessee education lottery corporation, lottery vendors, lottery retailers, and lottery games." There is a large section of the lottery law that makes confidential many aspects surrounding the operation of the lottery, including trade secrets, security systems, security reports, proposals and bids [...]

9 Feb, 2017

Tennessean: GOP caucus decides to have closed-door meetings after all

By |2017-02-09T07:11:21-06:00February 9, 2017|Categories: Legislature, Open Meetings|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Jake Lowary with The Tennessean reported yesterday that House Republicans have decided they will decide major issues on pending bills behind closed doors. (See: GOP caucus to have closed-door meeting to decide positions on issues.) State Rep. Ryan Williams "Caucus positions give us an opportunity to tell people where we believe the vision of the state as House Republicans should be," said House GOP Caucus Chair Ryan Williams, R-Cookeville, as reported by The Tennessean. The strategy is a new one. Late last year, Williams told the Capitol Hill press corps that caucus meetings during the legislation session would be presumed open "unless it's a family discussion." The press [...]

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