University of Tennessee

1 May, 2024

WBIR anchor files public records suit over denial of UT-Battelle records

By |2024-05-01T15:29:55-05:00May 1, 2024|Categories: public records lawsuits Tennessee, public university records|Tags: , , , , , , , |1 Comment

Longtime WBIR journalist John Becker has filed a lawsuit challenging the University of Tennessee's denial of public records related to its joint venture, UT-Battelle LLC, which runs the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The case is set to be heard on May 31 in Knox County Chancery Court.

15 Mar, 2023

Bill would allow governmental bodies to post meeting notices on website

By |2023-03-15T12:51:54-05:00March 15, 2023|Categories: adequate public notice, Legislature|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

A bill that allows governing bodies to post notice of their meetings on their websites passed a House committee, but not before pushback on a provision that requires the governing body to also mail or email the meeting notices to citizens who request it.

12 Feb, 2021

House subcommittee to consider expanding confidentiality of college president searches

By |2021-02-14T18:31:49-06:00February 12, 2021|Categories: Legislature, state records|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

A House subcommittee is scheduled on Tuesday to consider a bill that would expand the confidentiality around applicants for the chief executive positions at state colleges. State Rep. Mark White is sponsoring a bill to expand the confidentiality related to filling top positions of president and chancellor at all state colleges. HB 473, sponsored by state Rep. Mark White, R-Memphis, would allow a search committee to keep confidential the identity of applicants for the president or chancellor positions at all state colleges except for the finalist or finalists selected. The bill would allow a search committee to reveal only the single finalist they select, although the committee [...]

19 Oct, 2020

ACOG subcommittee to meet on Friday to review college president search confidentiality

By |2020-10-19T13:29:07-05:00October 19, 2020|Categories: Advisory Committee on Open Government, Legislature, state records|Tags: , , |1 Comment

A subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on Open Government will meet on Friday to review a 2018 change in the law that expanded confidentiality for college president candidates at state colleges. The subcommittee will meet at 3 p.m. Friday via a Webex conference call. The public may attend with this link. The subcommittee has been asked to discuss the effectiveness of the 2018 amendment to the higher education executive search statute (Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-154) in preparation of a report from ACOG to the governor and speakers of the House and Senate. 2018 law expanded confidentiality of finalist candidates In 2018, the Legislature expanded the confidentiality of college president [...]

6 Mar, 2019

Commercial Appeal: Bill would require Tennessee governments to disclose payments to companies

By |2019-03-06T09:12:57-06:00March 6, 2019|Categories: exemptions, Legislature|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The Commercial Appeal recently did a story about a bill in the Legislature, supported by TCOG, that would solve the issue of business entities claiming that government documents about payments made to them are confidential because the payment they received constitutes a trade secret. It flies in the face of the Tennessee Public Records Act that states "all documents ... made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any governmental entity" are public records. But the business are getting away with it. See below for an example with Google and the Montgomery County Industrial Development Board, and the University of [...]

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