HB 58 – Public records requests by email
TCOG letter, 2-20-17: HB 58 - Public records requests by email
TCOG letter, 2-20-17: HB 58 - Public records requests by email
The House State Government Subcommittee passed with a voice vote on Wednesday a bill that would clarify the public records statutes to say that citizens could use email to send in their records requests if a government entity already uses email to conduct government business. The requirement would not apply if the government entity does not use email as an "official mode of communication" in recognition that some small or rural government entities may not have or use email. State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville The bill's sponsor, Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville, said the purpose of the bill (HB 58 / SB 464) is to eliminate any ambiguity in the law, and [...]
State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville State Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville, has filed a bill that would end the practice of some government entities in Tennessee refusing to accept public records requests by email. The legislation, which is being carried in the Senate by Mike Bell, R-Riceville, says that "Requests (to see public records) may be submitted by all official modes of communication, including in person, telephone, fax, email, or other electronic means." If a request for copies is required to be in writing, citizens may submit a handwritten request or send a request by email or fill out a form, but the government entity has to provide the form [...]
The Office of Open Records Counsel has published a new model public records policy that can be used by government entities in establishing records policies, which are required by law this year. A new law mandates that all government entities in the state establish a public records policy by July 1, 2017. The policies must include the name of entity's public records request coordinator and include information about requesting public records and any fees. Open Records Counsel Ann Butterworth The model policy developed by the Open Records Counsel, along with updated Best Practices & Guidelines, includes many of the same principles and advice given previously by the office. But [...]
TCOG Letter on Proposed OORC forms 12-14-16. The Office of Open Records Counsel, in addition to creating a model public records policy, is proposing changes to the Schedule of Reasonable Charges, model forms and advisory opinions guidelines. In total, nine documents, including three new forms and two new guidelines, are under revision or are new. These documents are important because they provide guidance on what is allowed by law in the public records request process. The main changes proposed have to do with clarifying the public records request/response process. The office is also proposing that it have new discretion on whether or not to issue Advisory Opinions, which must be posted [...]