Open Meetings

14 May, 2021

Local government boards resume in-person meetings but they don’t necessarily look like before

By |2021-05-14T17:41:05-05:00May 14, 2021|Categories: Open Meetings|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

This month, local governing bodies across the state resumed in-person meetings after 58 weeks under a governor's executive order allowing electronic meetings. The order, which had lifted requirements of state law so that governing bodies could meet electronically due to COVID-19, expired on April 28 without renewal by Gov. Bill Lee. In a spot check of governing bodies, Tennessee Coalition for Open Government found that some resumed physical meetings just as before the pandemic. Others resumed physical meetings but continued citizen-friendly measures that they were not doing before the pandemic — such as livestreaming more meetings and posting the video to YouTube. Some resumed meeting in their regular meeting rooms [...]

13 May, 2021

General Assembly ends session with no expansion of electronic meetings

By |2021-05-14T12:28:53-05:00May 13, 2021|Categories: Legislature, Open Meetings|Tags: |0 Comments

Although lawmakers introduced several bills in the Tennessee Legislature this year to expand the ability of governing bodies to conduct electronic meetings without members having to be there in person, none passed. Of the nine bills tracked by TCOG, six failed or stalled. The other three were modified to keep the status quo on electronic participation and not expand it. The Open Meetings Act already allows members of state boards to participate in meetings electronically under certain conditions and rules. These rules are found in Section 108 of the Open Meetings Act. Members of school boards are also allowed to participate in meetings electronically within certain limits. Bill would have [...]

15 Apr, 2021

Senate eases toward allowing electronic meetings post-pandemic with key committee vote last night

By |2021-04-15T13:01:16-05:00April 15, 2021|Categories: Legislature, Open Meetings|Tags: , , |0 Comments

When citizens go to a public meeting of their local board of aldermen or county commission, they expect their representatives to be there. Sen. Richard Brigg, R-Knoxville They expect their representatives to discuss issues in public and vote in public. They expect to look them in the eye when they address them during public comment periods and public hearings. They hope to be able to talk to their representatives before and after a meeting, and many do. But a bill that passed a key Senate committee in a 5-4 vote last night would chip away at that tradition. SB301 would allow members of county and municipal governing bodies, [...]

13 Apr, 2021

Utility boards continue push to allow phone-in votes; other bills allowing electronic meetings also on tap

By |2021-04-13T09:05:26-05:00April 13, 2021|Categories: Legislature, Open Meetings|Tags: , , |0 Comments

A bill that would allow members of hundreds of utility boards across the state to phone into a public meeting and cast their votes is scheduled to go before the House State Government Committee today. State Rep. Clark Boyd It is one of three pieces of legislation expected to be heard this week that seeks to lift requirements of state law and expand the ability of members of public governing bodies to participate and vote in public meetings electronically without having to attend in person. The three pieces of legislation have differing levels of standards and requirements for remote participation by governing bodies, but all appear to have [...]

2 Apr, 2021

Bill to allow local utility boards to end in-person public meetings moves forward

By |2021-04-04T16:03:21-05:00April 2, 2021|Categories: Legislature, Open Meetings|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The House Public Service Subcommittee passed a bill last week that would permit hundreds of local utility boards that govern rates for electric, water, gas and other public services to stop meeting in person if they choose. The bill, HB 509, will be heard next week by the House State Government Committee at its 1:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday in the Cordell Hull building in Nashville. The bill has the potential to open the door for local governing bodies to start conducting meetings all electronically and casting votes on key issues by phone outside the public eye. Sponsor Clark Boyd, R-Lebanon, told the committee that the intention is to allow a [...]

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